07 June 2010

Act Now to Support Quality Affordable Child Care

Remember a few days back when we highlighted how the lack of low-cost, affordable child care is pushing more and more women out of the job force? Well now, thanks to Mom's Rising, there's a way for you to tell Congress what you think about cuts to child care funding that are leaving many mothers simply unable to afford to work.

By signing on to the petition currently running on their site, you can urge Congress to put families back to work by investing in affordable, quality child care. At least twelve states are now in the process of slashing funding to child care assistance programs and/or quality child care initiatives -- a number that could rise as state economies continue to struggle. Yet we know that providing families with access to affordable child care is absolutely crucial to economic recovery; without it, mothers will increasingly have little choice but to turn to welfare and other assistance programs to support their families.

Remind Congress that working families are essential to our nation's economic recovery -- SIGN the Mom's Rising petition today.

And if you're interested in learning more about what a healthy, robust child care agenda for this nation would actually look like, Ms. Foundation grantee the National Women's Law Center has put together a fabulous campaign on the subject, replete with all the facts and figures, state and federal updates, and action alerts you need to stay current on the topic. This is an issue too important to ignore -- our nation's future depends on our actions today.

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